AICA Ireland (Comhdháil Idirnáisiúnta de Chriticeoiri Ealaíne - Éire) has been an active member of the International Association of Art Critics (l'Association Internationale des Critiques d'Art) since its foundation in Paris in 1950.
The Irish membership includes leading critics, essayists and theoreticians, as well as honorary members. Elected officers of AICA Ireland operate on a voluntary basis.
Please note, this potted history is a work in progress.
A few key dates in the history of AICA Ireland:
1953 - Fourth AICA Congress and Fifth General Assembly held in Dublin.
1980 - AICA Ireland hosted the annual international conference of AICA in Dublin
1997 - AICA Ireland hosted the annual international conference of AICA in Belfast and Derry
2000 - AICA Ireland organised The Grace of Writing symposium
2003, 2004, 2005 - AICA Ireland Dorothy Walker Memorial Lectures in Dublin
2009 - AICA Ireland hosted the AICA International congress in Dublin
2018 - AICA Ireland hosted a discussion on Brexit and its implications for visual artists, curators, critics and publics in Belfast.
Past Presidents of AICA Ireland include:
Dorothy Walker
Campbell Bruce
Noel Kelly
Michaële Cutaya
For a history of AICA International including a photograph of the President of Ireland's reception for the AICA Congress and General Assembly held in Dublin in 1953, see Henry Meyric Hughes' article for Brooklyn Rail AICA into the Age of Globalization - From Gentleman's Club to Universal Fellowship.